Really you don't have to be serious all the time this was too funny
Whoever said that life was serious must be crazy.Belinda and i thought that we would take some shots of ourselves after scrapping all night until 1.30am.
Well this was the result quite stunning i think .Sometimes life is just to serious but not this night we were just in stitches.I think we look like dinosaurs.We cried laughing.
How cute is this pic Belinda took this amazing pic of Mikayla and she edited for me too isint it just fantastic.Now i really have to do a special page on this.Thanks B.
This is the other pic that B took and also edited it so have to scrap this too.Stay tuned for the end result.
Well thats about it for me other than i have a secret squirrel news for you all but can't say what it is at the moment but i'm really excited.Have a great week i know i will.