A baby is born Lachlan Brady Tee
To carly and Jason a big congratulations on the birth of Lachlan your first child how special for you.Lachlan was born at 2.29pm Thursday .He weighed 6 lb -7 and a half ounces.Mother and baby are doing very well and Nanny is just fine too.You never think that your children will grow up but when you see them giving birth to your grandchild it is an amazing experience.I am very proud of my daughter and her husband they have produced a gorgeous baby boy.
I was very privileged to be a part if this beautiful baby's arrival safe and sound.Thankyou so much Jason and Carly for allowing me to be apart of his birth.It was hard to keep my emotions at bay while Carly delivered but i was brave lol trying to cope with seeing someone in that amount of pain is heartrenching, when you can't take that pain away for them.Not that i ever want to feel that pain myself again.
I was going to be called Nanna,but i have now decided to be called nanny as he allready has a few nanna's ,4 great nanna's and then two nanna's i think it will confuse him lol.So i became nanny as of today.
Carly done an amazing job giving birth i think she surprised herself.She is still having blood pressure issues ,hopefully that will come down in a few days once everything comes down to earth.
I have so many pics of him allready so move over Mikayla i have boy pages to be scrapped.
Well thats all for now congrats again Carly what an amazing mum you will be.Love you heaps and to my darling grandson you will be loved so much too.love nanny.xxxxx All cleaned up and ready for the world out there.
A very proud nanny.
He is gorgeous nanny. *cluck* *cluck*. Looking forward to gorgeous BOY photos. Be ready for my scraplifting !!
Congratulations nanny, he's beautiful.
Congrats 'nanny' how exciting!
He is just beautiful....:D
awwww new life, always amazing to me.congrats to carly and jason!a precious grandson to spoil and love-how wonderful kerry. can't wait to see some boy scrapping too:)
Oh Kerry!! Im crying with joy for you all!! How clever is that daughter of yours!!
It must be so surreal, to see your baby having a baby!!! And do emotional!!
I am so there with you in thought and love Kerry!!!
Love and the very best wishes ever to you, carly and Jason!! A big congratulations!!!
wow kerry, so pleased the beautiful little boy has arrived safe into the world. love to all, good on you clever carly! my mum is a 'nanny' and i think its lovely! younger sounding than 'nanna' i reckon!! LOL
Congratulations Nanny, also to Jason & Carly, he is absolutely adorable.
Congrats to you Nanny Kerry :0)
What a special time for your family, enjoy your new little bundle of joy & well wishes for Carly.
Congrats to Carly and Jason! Little Lachlan is just adorable! Something tells me that you will definately be getting a lot of Nanny fixes with your new grandson! Look forward to all the cute little baby boy pages you will be doing very soon!
Congrats Kerry or should i say Nanna
love to the new Mum and Dad
He's such a cutie Kerry
Congrats Nanny Kerry!!! OH wow how exciting!!! It must have been an AMAZING experience for you!!! OOH.... and I can see all those BOY layouts now ;)
Love ya!
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